“The Role of Gender in the History of Hong Kong’s Democracy Movements,” SOAS China Institute Blog (November 19, 2024).
“Mandarin Hegemony: The Past and Future of Linguistic Hierarchies in China.”Global Pulse: China (April 18, 2024)
"China's Language Police: Why Beijing Seeks to Extend the Hegemony of Mandarin" Foreign Affairs (September, 2023)
“Narrative Justice for Hong Kong—on Aftershock: Essays from Hong Kong” Los Angeles Review of Books, April, 2021.
"Save Cantonese at Stanford: A Language, not a Dialect." Stanford Daily, February, 2021
“The Invention of Chinese.” History Today. December, 2020.
"The Future of Hong Kong," Co-authored with Jeffrey Wasserstrom. Dissent. June 30, 2020
"Against 'One Country, Two Systems': Towards a New History of Taiwan and Hong Kong." Co-authored with Catherine Chou. The Radical Historical Review, June 4, 2020.
“Mother Tongues.” Los Angeles Review of Books China Channel. June 27, 2018
"Contemporary Dragon Ladies: On Women and Power by Mary Beard." Los Angeles Review of Books China Channel January 15, 2018.
"How the Opposition Is Silenced in Hong Kong and Thailand: Selective Application of Laws Serves Illiberal Ends" Co-authored with Tyrell Haberkorn. Foreign Affairs. September 15, 2017.
“What Liu Xiaobo’s Death Says about China’s Two Futures.” Co-authored with Jeffrey Wasserstrom. The Nation. July 25, 2017.
"Tongue-tied in Hong Kong: The fight for two systems and two languages."Foreign Affairs. August 3, 2016.
Television and Radio
"The Point" Arirang Television. December 18, 2022 (watch here)
"Newsday" BBC International . April 27, 2022
BBC Radio. August 31, 2019
France 24. August 18, 2019.
"China's Zero-COVID Policy: Six Keywords to Understand the Aftermath," UCLA Center for China Studies, February 22, 2023. (watch here)
"Hong Kong Handover at 25: Language, Politics and Identity" National Committee on US-China Relations Public Webinar, June 20, 2022 (watch here)
On the future of dissent in Hong Kong (August, 2020) Asia Pacific Forum. August 28, 2020.
"Five Years of Flash Forward." Flash Forward Podcast. May 12, 2020.
"The Sleeping Lion."Flash Forward Podcast. December 3, 2019
Quotes in Print Media
Wing Kuang, "Poon Hiu-wing's murder set off a chain of events that resulted in mass protests. Five years later, her killer remains free" ABC News, February 17, 2023
Philem Kline, "China Watcher 2023 Predictions: Revving up for Year of the Rabbit" Politico, December 22, 2023
Philem Kline, "50 Years after Nixon met Mao," Politico. February 17, 2022
Katharine Simpson, "Students continue the fight to Save Cantonese," KALW. December, 2021
Marc Thibodeau, "Hong Kong: La crise s’enfonce dans la violence"La Presse. November 12, 2019
Marc Thibodeau, "Crise à Hong Kong. Des militants prodémocratie arrêtés la veille d'une grande manifestation" La Presse. August 31, 2019.
Alexander Berrio Machacon "¿Por qué Hong Kong desafía a China por la extradición?" El Tiempo. June 13, 2019.
Noelle Mateer, "The Latest Hot Celebrity Endorsement: Chinese Imperial History" Caixin Global. January 26, 2019.